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Introduksjon til astrofotografering. Foredrag holdt i Bergen Astronomiske Forening høsten 2019. PDF format (6MB) |
Introduksjon til bildebehandling for astrofoto. Foredrag holdt i Bergen Astronomiske Forening høsten 2019. PDF format (9MB) |
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Bildet inneholder de kjente emisjonståkene Sh2-249/IC443 (Manettåken) og Sh2-252/IC2159 (Apehodetåken),
videre emisjonståkene Sh2-248, Sh2-247 og Sh2-253 samt de åpne stjernehopene M35 og NGC2158). I det meste av feltet finner vi også svakere Ha signal.
The image contain the famous emission nebulae Sh2-249/IC443 (Jellyfish) and Sh2-252/IC2159 (Monkey head),
further on the emission nebulae Sh2-248, Sh2-247 and Sh2-253 as well as the open star clusters M35 and NGC2158). Weak H-alpha signal fills most of the sky background.
Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6), Norway. For-panel mosaic taken during 6 nights in January and February 2025
RGB for stars: W63 (SNR G082.2+05.3) er en svak supernovarest i stjernebildet Svanen som lyser for det meste i Oiii. Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6), Norway. 9 nights between 2024-09-05 to 2024-11-28 Click picture for high resolution. For high resolution version with annotation click here. Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3, Norway. April 23-24, 2022 Picture taken at Mjølfjell, (Bortle class 2-3), Norway. March 07, 2023 to March 10, 2024 (4 nights)
Exposure Panel 1:
Exposure Panel 2:
Total integration time: 22h 46m Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6), Norway. November 08, 2023 to January 06, 2024 (11 nights) Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3), Norway. January 07 - 09, 2024 (2 nights) Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6), Norway. October 25th - 27th, November 7th 2023 Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6), Norway. Setptember 5th, October 6th-8th 2023 Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6), Norway. November 19-20, 2022 Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6, Norway. 4 nights during autumn 2022
Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6, Norway. November 17-21, 2022 First Light with Borg 72FL Picture taken at Sandsli, (Bortle class 6, Norway. August 29-30, 2022 Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3), Norway. February 27-28, 2022 This supernova was discovered by Koichi Itagaki on april 16th 2022 and was then of magnitude 15. Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3, Norway. April 22, 2022 M13 is a large globular star cluster 22.200 light years away in the constellation Hercules. It contains several hundred thousand stars. Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3, Norway. April 23-24, 2022 Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3, Norway. March 20-21, 2022 Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3, Norway. March 2-4, 2022 Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3, Norway. November 13-14, 2021 Picture taken at Sandsli (Bortle class 6), Norway. February 11-12, 2021 Picture taken at Mjølfjell (Bortle class 2-3), Norway. February 6, 2021 Picture taken at Sandsli (Bortle class 6), Norway. March 15-16, 2021 Picture taken at Mjølfjell, Norway. March 11, 2019 Picture taken at Mjølfjell, Norway. March 10, 2019 Picture taken at Mjølfjell, Norway. December 03, 2022 Picture taken at Mjølfjell, Norway. October 16, 2015, 20:54 UT+2 Pictures taken at Mjølfjell, Norway. October 16, 2015, 22:34 - 23:19 UT+2 Pictures taken at Fanafjell outside Bergen, Norway. February 14, 2015, 19:58 - 21:18 UT+1 Pictures taken at Sandsli outside Bergen, Norway. September 17, 2014, 21:35 - 22:23 UT+2 The supernova is 11,5 million lightyears avay, and shine with a magnitude of ca 10,8 according to other observers the same night. Picture taken at Sandsli outside Bergen, Norway. January 28, 2014, 22:15 UT+1
M82 with supernova to the left, spiral galaxy M81 to the right Pictures taken at Sandsli outside Bergen, Norway. January 28, 2014, 22:13-22:19 UT+1 M82 with supernova to the left, spiral galaxy M81 to the right Pictures taken at Sandsli outside Bergen, Norway. February 3, 2014, 19:50 - 21:00 UT+1 Picture taken at Sandsli outside Bergen, Norway. February 3, 2014
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia 3nm Narrowband and RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A.
Ha: 69 + 65 + 66 + 69 x 4 minutes
O: 29 + 28 + 29 + 29 x 4 minutes
Total integration time HO: 25h 36m
Cooling: -10
Gain: 200
Telescope: Samyang 135mm, f 1:2.0
Focal length: 130mm
Camera: ASI1600MC Cool
Mount: SkyWatcher Az-Gti
Cooling: -15
Gain: 0
RGB: 227 x 60 seconds
Integration time RGB for stars: 3h 47m
Sequence control: N.I.N.A. and AsiAir Plus
Stacking: Astro Pixel Processor.
Image processing: Pixinsight and Photoshop.
W63 (Westerhout 63) supernova remnant, (SNR G 082.2+05.3)
Vi ser den i bildet som en blå eggformet ring. Den befinner seg ca 5000 lysår vekke og har en utstrekning på ca 150 lysår.
Forøvrig er det som mange steder ellers i dette stjernebilde mye H-alfa signal.
Helt i høyre bildekant rett ut for de to sterkeste stjernene kan vi skimte StDr 139 (Skarpen Nebula). Den ble oppdaget i 2021 i et bilde tatt av Ola Skarpen.
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia 3nm Narrowband and RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A.
Nebulosity: Ha: 89 x 480s, O: 213 x 480s
RGB for stars: R: 29 x 30s, G: 29 x 30s, B: 29 x 30s
Total integration time: 40 hours
f3.6, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -10.
Flats, Darks, Darkflats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight
Click picture for full size.
Iris Nebula and dark nebulae in Cepheus
Camera: ASI1600MC-Cool
Telescope: Samyang 135mm f2
Capture and autoguiding by AsiAir Plus
Exposure: 270 x 120s, Gain 139
Total integration time: 9h 0m
Gain 1139, Offset 50, Cooling at -10.
Flats, Darks, Darkflats
Processing: PixInsight, Lightroom Classic
Pinwheel Galaxy (M101), two-pane mosaic
Camera: TS2600MP with EFW filterwheel and Antlia 7nm Ha and LRGB-V-Pro filters.
Telescope: Skywatcher Esprit 120ED with flattener, f 1:7
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A.
L: 80 x 60s + 65 x 120s = 3h 30m
R: 63 x 120s = 2h 06m
G: 64 x 120s = 2h 08m
B: 64 x 120s = 2h 08m
Ha: 36 x 240s = 2h 24m
L: 68 x 120s = 2h 16m
R: 67 x 120s = 2h 14m
G: 68 x 120s = 2h 16m
B: 70 x 120s = 2h 20m
Ha: 21 x 240s = 1h 24m
Gain 100, Offset 768, Cooling at -10.
Flats, Darks, Darkflats and Bias
Processing: PixInsight, Mosaic in Astro Pixel Processor
Click picture for full size.
Spaghetti Nebula (Sh2-240 / Simeis 147), two-pane mosaic
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia 3nm Narrowband and RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A.
Nebulosity: Ha: 105 x 480s, O: 240 x 480s
RGB for stars: R: 200 x 30s, G: 200 x 30s, B: 200 x 30s
Total integration time: 51 hours
f3.6, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks, Darkflats and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight
Click picture for full size.
NGC1333 - Embryo Nebula
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia LRGB V Pro filters.
Telescope: SkyWatcher Esprit 120ED Pro
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A.
L: 174 x 120s, R: 99 x 120s, G: 83 x 120s, B: 84 x 120s
Total integration time: 14 hours 40 minutes
f3.6, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -30.
Flats, Darks, Darkflats and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight
Click picture for full size.
Bubble Nebula NGC7635 widefield with M52 and Lobster Claw
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia 3nm Narrowband and RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A.
Nebulosity: Ha: 85 x 240s, O: 81 x 240s
RGB for stars: R: 80 x 30s, G: 60 x 30s, B: 72 x 30s
Total integration time narrowband: 11h 04m
f3.6, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks, Darkflats and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight
Click picture for full size.
Veil Nebula in Cygnus
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A.
Nebulosity: Ha: 56 x 240s, O: 60 x 240s, S: 46 x 240s
RGB for stars: R: 30 x 30s, G: 30 x 30s, B: 30 x 30s
Total integration time narrowband: 10h 48m
f3.6, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks, Darkflats and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Lightroom Classic
Click picture for full size.
Flaming star nebula and Tadpole nebula
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by AsiAir Plus
Nebulosity: Ha: 40 x 240s + 8 x 480s, O: 37 x 240s + 8 x 480s, S: 6 x 240s + 25 x 480s
RGB for stars: R: 20 x 30s, G: 20 x 30s, B: 20 x 30s
Total integration time narrowband: 11h 0m
f3.6, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Photoshop CC
Click picture for full size.
Sh2-119 Clamshell nebula in narrowband
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by AsiAir Plus
Nebulosity: Ha: 46 x 240s, O: 28 x 240s + 82 x 480s, S: 19 x 240s + 47 x 480s
RGB for stars: R: 20 x 30s, G: 20 x 30s, B: 20 x 30s
Total integration time narrowband: 17h 44m
f3.6, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Photoshop CC, Ligthroom Classic, Topaz DeNoise AI
Click picture for full size.
California Nebula NGC1499 in narrowband
With stars:
With stars removed to better see details in nebulosity:
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by AsiAir Plus
Nebulosity: Ha: 38 x 240s, O: 91 x 480s, S: 39 x 480s
RGB for stars: R: 20 x 30s, G: 20 x 30s, B: 20 x 30s
Total integration time narrowband: 19h 52m
f3.6, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Photoshop CC, Ligthroom Classic
Click picture for full size.
North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula in narrowband
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by AsiAir Plus
Exposure: Ha: 23 x 240s, O: 23 x 240s, S: 23 x 240s; f3.6, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Photoshop CC, Ligthroom Classic
Click picture for full size.
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy in Ursa Major
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS Newton reflector with Vixen Coma Corrector PH on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 32*180s L, 32*180s R, 32*180s G, 32*180s B, 20*300s Ha ; f3.8, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -30.
Flats, Darks and DarkFlats
Processing: PixInsight, Ligthroom Classic
Click picture for full size.
Supernova 2022hrs in NGC 4647
On the night of april 22 when I took the photograph below it had brightened to mag 13.2.
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS Newton reflector with Vixen Coma Corrector PH on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 12*60s R, 12*60s G, 12*60s B; f3.8, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Darks and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Adobe Lightroom Classic
Click picture for full size.
M13 Hercules Cluster
Some extremely distant galaxies are present in the image. Click image for more information
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia RGB Pro filters.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS Newton reflector with Vixen Coma Corrector PH on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 36*60s L, 52*60s R, 38*60s G, 38*60s B; f3.8, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Darks and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Adobe Lightroom Classic
IC 1396 with Elephant Trunk Nebula
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia 3nm Pro filters.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS Newton reflector with Vixen Coma Corrector PH on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 27*480s H-alpha, 27*480s Oiii, 23*480s Sii; f3.8, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Darks, DarkFlats, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Lightroom Classic and Topaz DeNoise AI
Click picture for full size.
M81 and M82 Galaxies with Integrated Flux Nebulosity
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and Antlia filters.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS Newton reflector with Vixen Coma Corrector PH on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 81x120s Lum, 77*120s Red, 75*120s Green, 80*120s Blue, 30*420s H-alpha, f3.8, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Darks, DarkFlats, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsigth, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Lightroom Classic and Topaz DeNoise AI
Click picture for full size.
M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and ZWO filters.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS Newton reflector with Vixen Coma Corrector PH on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 14*300s Red, 14*300s Green, 14*300s Blue, 13*300s H-alpha, f3.8, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -15.
Darks, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor and Lightroom Classic
Click picture for full size.
Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and ZWO filters.
Telescope: Borg ED 101 refractor with 7704 f4 reducer on Vixen GPDX mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 40*30s Red, 40*30s Green, 40*30s Blue, 22*600s H-alpha, f4.0, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Darks, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Adobe Photoshop 2021, Lightroom Classic and Topaz DeNoise AI.
Click picture for full size.
Leo Triplet
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and ZWO filters.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS Newton reflector with Vixen Coma Corrector PH on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 20*60s Lum, 30*60s Red, 30*60s Green, 30*60s Blue, 10*300s H-alpha, f4.0, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -30.
Darks, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Adobe Photoshop 2021, Lightroom Classic and Topaz DeNoise AI.
Click picture for full size.
M81 and M82
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and ZWO filters.
Telescope: Borg ED 101 refractor with 7704 f4 reducer on Vixen GPDX mount
Capture and autoguiding by N.I.N.A. and PHD2
Exposure: 27*60s Lum, 30*60s Red, 29*60s Green, 29*60s Blue, 23*300s H-alpha, f4.0, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Darks, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Adobe Photoshop 2021, Lightroom Classic and Topaz DeNoise AI.
Click picture for full size.
Markarians Chain
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and ZWO filters.
Telescope: Borg ED 101 refractor on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by Stellarmate
Exposure: 60*60s Red, 60*60s Green, 60*60s Blue, 20*300s H-alpha, f4.0, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -15.
Darks, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Adobe Photoshop 2020 and Topaz DeNoise AI.
Click picture for full size.
NGC 2239 (Sh2-275) Rosette Nebula in Monoceros
Camera: ASI 1600MM-Pro with EFW filterwheel and ZWO filters.
Telescope: Borg ED 101 refractor on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount
Capture and autoguiding by Stellarmate
Exposure: 15*60s Red, 15*60s Green, 15*60s Blue, 15*300s H-alpha, f4.0, Gain 200, Offset 50, Cooling at -30.
Darks, Bias and Flats
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Pixinsight and Adobe Lightroom Classic.
NGC 6960 Veil Nebula
Camera: ASI 1600MC-Cool.
Telescope: Borg 72FL with Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x reducer
Capture and autoguiding by AsiAir Plus
Exposure: 110 x 120s
Total integration time: 3h 40m
f3.6, Gain 139, Offset 50, Cooling at -20.
Flats, Darks and Bias
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Photoshop CC
Click picture for full size.
NGC 6960 Veil Nebula wide field in Cygnus
Camera: Canon EOS6D with EF 70-200mm f 4 L IS-USM at 200mm (slightly cropped)
Exposure: 90 sec f4 at 3200 ISO, Processing in Lightroom CC.
No darks or flats
Andromeda Galaxy M31 wide field (with M32 and M110)
Camera: Canon EOS6D with EF 70-200mm f 4 L IS-USM at 200mm (slightly cropped)
Exposures: 90 sec f4 at 3200 ISO, 29 exposures stackedwith Deep Sky Stacker. Curves and levels in Photoshop CC and fnal processing in Lightroom CC.
No darks or flats
Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) and Flame Nebula (NGC 2024) in Orion
Telescope: Borg ED 101 refractor on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount (unguided)
Camera: Canon EOS40D (Hutech modified), Light Polution Filter: IDAS LPS-V4
Exposures: 120 sec f4 at 1600 ISO, 18 exposures stacked with Astro Pixel Processor. Final processing in Lightroom and Topaz DeNoise AI.
Andromeda Galaxy M31 (with M32 and M110)
Telescope: Borg ED 101 refractor on Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount (unguided)
Camera: Canon EOS40D (Hutech modified), Light Polution Filter: IDAS LPS-V4
Exposures: 90 sec f4 at 800 ISO, 25 exposures stacked with Astro Pixel Processor. Fine tuned in PixInsight (ABE) and Adobe Lightroom.
Supernova SN2014J in M82
It could easily be observed visually through the 8" Newtonian reflector.
Detail from image below.
Telescope: Vixen R200SS on GPDX mount (unguided)
Camera: Canon EOS5D MkII
Exposures: 10 sec f4 at 3200 ISO, 20 exposures stackedwith Deep Sky Stacker. Curves and levels in Photoshop CS5.
©2014 Odd Høydalsvik
Telescope: Borg ED 101 refractor on GPDX mount (guided)
Camera: Canon EOS5D MkII
Exposures: 30 sec f4 at 3200 ISO, 100 exposures stackedwith Astro Pixel Processor. Processing i Pixinsight.
Focus was a bit poor.
Click picture for full size.
©2014 Odd Høydalsvik
Orion Nebula (M42)
Telescope: Vixen R200SS on GPDX mount (unguided)
Camera: Canon EOS5D MkII
Exposures: 95 x 20 sec + 8 x 10 sec at 1600 ISO
Processing: APP, PI and LrC
©2014 Odd Høydalsvik
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